Behooving crapping.

Posted on 6 septiembre 2011. Filed under: Copenague | Etiquetas: , , , , , , , |

OK, so we are already one year after this entertaining exchange with this guy and I still haven’t gotten around to properly answering his -let’s be kind- bikelaneist non-sequiturs (too many bikelaneist idiocies to deal with far closer to home) and I have here this other guy who purports to be, you know, a researcher or academic or whatnot of some kind, crisscrossing the world to understand cycling. And his conclusion is, surprise surprise, that Copenhagen is where it is at. Boy, am I impressed.

Of course, researches are humans (even bikelaneist «researches») and so they are not exempt from showing some silliness now and then, for instance:!/BehoovingMoving/status/62860745209167872

Which I promptly replied to:!/bicilibre/status/63013297548574721

Besides these harmless dubiously-humorous bikelaneist banter, these guy seems set to pontificate with some hard-line poisonous sheer idiocy; here, for instance, he massages the interesting idea that «walkable cities belong in the past». And without loosing his straight face. Wow:

So now we know: pedestrians are to dissapear. So says a «researcher». What for? to make room for cyclestrians, of course. It all salt-peppered with some scien-bullshit about «the infinite diversity of cycling»:!/BehoovingMoving/status/90016661591162880!/BehoovingMoving/status/90340411180191744

I couldn’t resist pointing out some details that among non bikelane-idiotizied people are rather taken for granted, and thus the stage for another interesting exchange was set.!/bicilibre/status/90477744458182656!/BehoovingMoving/status/90642422043901953

Of course, the line «everyone can ride a bike» is sheer hogwash to start with. One has to wonder how these guys have come to feel that they can say that kind of gibberish and get away with it. But apart from that, what can lead someone to the idea that 100% modal share for cycling is at all desirable -let alone possible-, other than a total disconnect from reality and the mere fact that they like cycling?

So basically what this guy is saying is akin to: «I like rhubarb cake. Everyone should have rhubarb cake for dessert, everyday.» This is the depth of the «research» this idiot does.!/bicilibre/status/90478290481061889

Please note how this guy takes the trouble to appear genuinely interested in real information…!/BehoovingMoving/status/90709617977466880!/bicilibre/status/91095807276752896!/BehoovingMoving/status/91109686937534464!/bicilibre/status/91117383665721344!/BehoovingMoving/status/91334898463420416

… and now please note in the ensuing email exchange how he is determined to ignore the information he is given. Can yo say «deadbrain bikelane junkie»? I know you could.

July 14th.

Hi. I am flattered (I guess) that you think I have a point «worth reading properly», but I honestly don’t know what I could say that you couldn’t find out better by yourself just looking around at what is actually happening to a cycling culture that has been driven into a collective madness by the segregationist ideology and has become hooked on «cycling infrastructure».

Unfortunately, I do not have the time nor the mood to spend time in private one-to-one discussions unless there is a extremely good reason for it. Most of what I have to say about the segregationist allucination is in my blog, in spanish, I’m afraid. However, there are a very few posts there in English:

And if you feel like having a taste of the red pill, you might want to check the (still unfinished) discussion I had with this guy here in my blog, in english:

Un momento de zapping a Twitter.

I say the discussion is unfinished because I haven’t ruled out yet writing a proper reply to my interlocutor there. One of the problems with the segregationist «intellectuals», though, is that deconstructing the nuanced crap in their discourse takes a level of time, attention and energy that I’d much rather apply to fight the stultifying segregationist idiocy I and my group have to deal with on a daily basis and that is corrupting beyond belief the nascent cycling culture in our country.

Now. Do you still think I have some point worth talking about? If you do, and unless you have some other brilliant idea, maybe the best course of action would be to comment somewhere in my blog, so we can carry out a public discussion for the greater entertainment and edification of my readers.

But thanks for your attention. And beware: once you taste the red pill, you won’t be able to take your eyes off the horror of the segregationist nightmare that is lurking all around us.


Txarli Antxels
* Revolution will not happen
* in a bike lane.

July 15th.

Hi Txarli

Don’t worry, I’m seeing your point, and understanding your ire. You’ve got that groovy thing going on in your country, where transport modes mix and people move, by whatever mode, with due regard. It’s something Jane Jacobs observed where children played on streets that cars drove down. And I understand why you would not want anal markings on the street, that give people a sense of entitlement to go full speed because they are in «their», so to hell with the kid who might step into their path. I guess you’re seeing bikes lanes and car lanes as American/Dutch/Danish imperialist imports.

Whatever you’ve taken me saying in a few words on Twitter, must have been directed to some other context. In my book I’m writing , cycle-space, I describe non-segregation as giving rise to something I call a «campus condition» because it works well on university campuses. It’s only limitation, if may say, is it doesn’t extend the reach of urban bike transit, to bring people in from outer suburbs on bikes. That is an issue where there’s great urban sprawl, in the US and Australia for instance.

Feel free to post my thoughts to your blog or wherever, if what I’ve written in any way helps your cause. I’ve just spent 9 weeks cycling cities in Holland, Denmark, Asia, Greece, Italy and the US, so have a feel for the diversity of contexts out there.

Best wishes


This is the point when this guy posted this, which you may want to check out (again, you might not, who knows, but it is kind of interesting if you can read between the lines).

July 21st.


Thank you for your permission to post our email exchange in my blog, which i will do as soon as I find the opportunity. (you see, I have trivial things like the idiotic public reactions to this 11-year old girl getting seriously injured in a fucking cycle lane a few days ago a few blocks from my house to deal with). Alternatively, I can post straight away what we have so far of this conversation, if you prefer to continue the talk in the comment thread. It is ok for me.

You might have got some of the points of, as you say, my ire, but I very much doubt that you grasp the full extent of the catastrophe we (and very likely you) are diving into. In this issue, as the saying goes, if you are not angry, you are not paying attention. (Or -I might add-, you have a vested interest in the outrage).

Your use of the term «non-segregation» for what is just plain, natural cycling is interesting; it is like hearing someone calling western societies «infidel countries»: you can tell right away that the speaker is an, er, faithful, no matter how moderate and reasonable he strives to appear.)

It is also funny that you come up with the term «campus condition» to describe some presumably beneficial outcome of, ahem, «non-segregation»: we are seeing here a host of (awful) segregated lanes being build in university campuses, because apparently the cycling community and the political class here have been dragged so far down into the mud by the segregationist bullshit that not even a campus is now safe enough for a twientysomething in his/her prime to ride a bike in a normal campus street. How long until you get segregated lanes built into your campuses? what will you do then, dear sir?

Since you yourself introduced the «campus condition» idea, I take it you will agree that when segregated lanes are built in a campus, someone is doing something wrong. Very wrong. Of course, it is easy to dismiss the issue as technical incompetence, a political or bureaucratic blunder, an instance of «excess of (segregationist) zeal», or other such clichés: I think I have heard them all by now. But doing so only misses (or even worse: hides) the core of the problem: there is nothing specifically wrong with segregated lanes in campuses; there is just something horribly wrong with a cycling culture, a cycling ideology, a cycling policy and a cycling community in which campus segregated lanes (however «high quality» they might be, which they aren’t) get built at all and considered «a step forward».

Because, you see: you and I might (perhaps) agree that segregated lanes in a campus are a stupid idea, but the cycling community in my country think they are cool and «uropean»; What do the cycling community in your contry think? Did I tell you about how the segregationist ideology has corrupted the cycling community? yes, I think I did.

I am not mad at a few stupid, useless and dangerous segregated lanes being built around: I am only angry about that. What i AM mad at is a cycling community that, drugged by the segregationist cycle-crack peddlers (like, for instance, Mr Copenhagenize), has lost all self-respect to the point of not being able any longer to tell the lane-shit from the cycle-food; check the comments to the girls accident to see what I am talking about. And I am mad at a new generation of useful idiots (like, i suspect with due respect, yourself) that, in the guise of «researchers», «technicians», «planners», «eco-or-mobility-advocates» or even «moderate vehiculars» are giving conceptual cover and social credibility to the appalling heap of horsecrap that the cycling community is burying its head into.

There is only one way out of the corner urban cycling has, literally, painted itself into: segregation has to be vigorously, publicly denounced for what it is: a cul-de-sac in the history of urban cycling that originated in a very specific setting and has evolved into a collective and poisonous allucination that is hindering the return of the bicycle to its due place in modern cities after the disastrous XXth century car hiatus. Guys like yourself, with your oh-so-civil, oh-so-nuanced, consensus-seeking, using-words-in-proper-context pose are bound to get caught in the crossfire and are, in short, just getting in the way of the future. You’d better swallow the red pill and start anew.


If «Cycle lane» is the answer
you got the question wrong.

July 22sd.

Thanks again for your time. Have you spent much time in Denmark or Holland? It really is nice to be able to ride in the knowledge that your way has been cleared. It’s nice riding in New York, having pedestrians cleared out of your path by the taxis. It’s nice cycling down Via del Corso in Rome on a Saturday afternoon. There I go, being nuanced. I would use the term «dialectical». Anyway, while I can agree on particular points, I can no more side with you, than anyone else with a clear one-eyed view of how all the world aught to be. The failures of Modernism/Structuralist thinking, instilled in me a healthy measure of self doubt.

Best wishes


July 22sd.

«The pleasure of having your way cleared?» Oh, c’mon. Are you trying to offer your prose as an example of the most grotesque points of segregationism and of cyclist’s exceptionalism?

Too bad you didn’t take the time to cycle in Madrid, purportedly one of the most hostile cities for cycling in Europe. A tour around Madrid with one of the guys in my group would have, obviously, failed to show you the pleasure of cycling here (in traffic, gasp! and without you way cleared, oh noes!), and the deep idiocy of what is said about urban cycling in the more «cycle-lane-civilized» countries, because obviously that is something you don’t want to know.

Sorry to say this, but apparently you sided with the past and you are exactly the kind of people we have to push out of the way of to get urban cycling out of the hole it is in.

The future is ours. Get a grip.


This post is way too long already (such is the nature of dealing with the bikelaneist tribe), so I will just comment on one point: among other hilariously pompous bits (cue «The failures of Modernism/Structuralist thinking.»), it is worth noting (because it has been seen in other members of the bikelaneist elite) the reference to having «a healthy measure of self doubt». This guy has it, so he says, which is a very elegant way of implying that I don’t. Oh my.

Of course, this guy has not an ounce of «self doubt», to matter what he says, and it shows. He is a true lane-believer who is only using that self-doubt bullshit as a throwing stone against someone who has the cheek to just say things straight and call his crap out. And that is a tactic that we are going to see more and more in the near future: this bunch of lane-idiots have been for decades saying just about any kind of gibberish without any qualms and without anybody calling their bluff, but now that a growing number of cyclists are starting to see through the charade, they are compelled to resort to the «sectarian» and «fanatic» labels to try and shut down the dissent and to oppose the long trip back to reality that modern urban cycling so badly needs.

They are not going to get away with it any longer, of course. They have only winning this stupid game through absence of any players on the other side, but now that we are back on the field (and not even in full force yet), the score is already fixed.

As I told this guy, the bikelanist bullshit is over and the future is ours. Too bad that, to get to the future, we’ll have to clear the way of this kind of lobotomized infrastructure-junkies.


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How to tell a pompous full-of-it asshole.

Posted on 18 diciembre 2010. Filed under: ., Amsterdam, Copenague | Etiquetas: , , , |


A pompous full-of-it asshole would write things like this:

[pantallazo: asshole]

We’ll talk about the actual video at some other moment. «These people that don’t really matter» are us. And him. And him. And him. And them. And them. And them. And them. And them. «These people that don’t really matter» include people like myself, described as «trolls who think bike lanes are the work of the Devil«, or people like Carlton Reid, who dared to state that they wouldn’t indiscriminately demand segregation and was inmediately labeled as «despicable» for it. «These people that don’t really matter» are the cyclists who are watching in horror the raping of our cities in the name of «bicycle promotion», or «sustainibility», or «the right to cycle» or «vulnerable users», or just plain idiotic «Cycle Chic (TM)».

The bikelaneist bullshit has got way too far. It is high time we make sanity, and reality, matter again in pro-cycling policies.


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There are in this blog a few other posts in English.

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Un momento de zapping a Twitter.

Posted on 15 septiembre 2010. Filed under: ., Amsterdam | Etiquetas: , , , , |

Work keeps piling up. A guy in twitter, who started out the discussion trying some faux-zen unintelligible lines, went on to repeating the usual bikelaneist platitudes (complete with the obligatory go at cheap sentimentality with the «kids and grannies» argument) and then did some lovely effort to be sarcastic, managed for just a moment (before quickly moving on with some good old-fashioned straw man fallacies) to ask an apparently genuine question:

@bicilibre so, lost a bit here…what was your argument and backing again? And can we cut the hostilities?

Oh. So this guy wants to know «my argument and backing». And apparently he wants it in 140 characters. Oh là là. Not unusual, though: the world is full of people who are willing to give you a 140-character (or ten-minute) «opportunity» to explain yourself. That is, of course, because they think they know what they are talking about and because they think what they «know» is all there is to the question at hand. Such sweet souls.

Well, my friend: I have five years’ worth of «argument and backing» right here in my blog, although most of it happens to be, unfortunately, in a language you probably are not familiar with. So I will make a short statement about my position, in English. The «arguments and backings» are all over the place, in Internet and in the real world, in plain view for anybody who cares to read the writing on the wall: you can find them and join the dots just as I have, and one excellent way to begin would be just to actually start looking at what happens in the streets: you would be amazed by the things you can learn.

So here it is. Beware: as I am writing this in a bit of a hurry, this statement is likely to be retouched and refined as I find the opportunity or the need. This post will stay frozen, but the evolved version will be here:

Cycling in the Netherlands – a quick and dirty summary v.0.1.

My position is that the high level of bicycle use in the Netherlands and Denmark is due to historical, social, political, economic and cultural reasons that have no relation whatsoever (repeat after me: no relation whatsoever) with the segregation paradigm or with the abundance of cycle lanes.

My position, furthermore, is that the segregation paradigm is in fact a car-centric policy launched in a historical moment when the motorized vehicle was deemed to be «the future of modern cities» (ha ha ha!!!) with the explicit goal (repeat after me: explicit goal) to accommodate the existing huge levels of bicycle traffic in the least bothersome possible manner to give way to the new city star (the motorized car) with the assumption that bicycle traffic would eventually die out as the demographic replacement occurred (which is in fact exactly what was happening in Denmark and the Netherlands until the 1973 oil crisis).

My position, therefore, is that the high levels of safety enjoyed by the Dutch and Danish cyclists have no relation whatsoever with the segregated structures, and are instead due to the driving culture in the country (which is, also and itself, due to historical, social, political, economic and cultural reasons that run parallel to the ones that underpin the high level of cycling). Putting it in other words: it is not, despite what you and your bikelaneist friends have chosen to believe and propagate, that the bike lanes «protect» you-cyclists from you-drivers. Much to the contrary, it is the you-drivers (and the care you exercise) what is silently protecting you-cyclists from the traps and dangers awaiting you in the bike lanes.

My position, also, is that the segregationist policies have pushed the Dutch cyclists into a very specific social and urban niche: the niche that in other societies (such as Spain) is occupied by the pedestrians. The data show that applying segregationist policies in those other countries will probably get more pedestrians to cycle, but is extremely unlikely (repeat after me: extremely unlikely) to take any number of car drivers out of their cars and on their bikes (in fact that is exactly what is already happening in cities such as Sevilla, although it is a fact that bikelaneists are not very happy to see talked about). Since we already have a very healthy pedestrian culture (much healthier than yours, in fact), I don’t see any reason why we should jeopardize that pedestrian culture following the segregationist model to get people (i.e. pedestrians, but not car drivers) on bikes, and see, instead, every reason to resist and fight the mindless creation of segregated bike lanes that is plaguing our cities.

In conclusion, my position is that the factors that make cycle lanes relatively harmless (?) in the Netherlands are absent and cannot be reproduced anywhere else, and that the brainless effort to copycat segregationist policies elsewhere is not only born dead, but is doomed to result in a huge increase in artificial conflicts (both with pedestrians and with car drivers), accidents, injuries and deaths. Which is, in act, what is already happening in the cities that have taken the «avant-garde» position in the bike-lane-building madness (although, again, this is not a very politically correct subject to talk about). And all that, as I wrote above, to get somewhere we don’t want to be in the first place, which is putting pedestrians on wheels (what we pejoratively call here «cyclestrians»).

Because, face it, that is what you have in Denmark and the Netherlands: not a «cycling culture» as you like to boast, but a cyclestrian culture: a culture of wheeled pedestrians. The fact (this will shock you, I know) is that the segregationist policies have crippled the ability of Dutch cyclists to a point in which you need to re-learn to use your bikes in natural streets of any difficulty just to get out of the bike-lane-theme-park in which you have transformed your countries.

And my position is, to round it up, that the often repeated line that Copenhagen or Amsterdam are «the cycling capitals of the world» is a stinking heap of western-centric, navel-gazing, hyper-opulent, smugly decadent, worthless political propagandistic horsecrap. There are a number of societies (including the Danish and Dutch societies of just a few decades ago) that have much better ratios of cyclists/pedestrians and bikes/cars, in much more natural conditions and without so much fuss about «dedicated cycle infrastructures», than Copenhagen or Amsterdam have now and can hope to have in the foreseeable future. Of course, as we all know, if we are to believe the rampant bikelaneist idiocy oozing from your side of the wide World, those societies apparently don’t count because «if they could, they would use cars».

So, in short, you can keep your bike lanes to yourselves, thank you very much: we’ll have to put a sanitary belt around your countries (which some of us jokingly label «Vikingland») to make sure the bike lane madness doesn’t spread too much, and in a few years (certainly by the next generation) your cycling-in-bike-lanes culture will be just like (or rather more strange than) the British’ driving-on-the-left traffic: a cute and quaint feature of Dutch and Danish national culture, part of the charm of visiting those countries. Because everywhere else in the world cyclists will ride naturally in the streets, happily mingling with whatever urban motor traffic is left.



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More texts in English here, here, here, here, or here.
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La santidad de los carriles-bici / the sanctity of cycle lanes.

Posted on 25 agosto 2009. Filed under: Londres | Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , , |

Have I talked yet about the religious elements in the bikelaneist ideology? I think I have… Well: here we have another instance, with these idiots («Velorution», am I impressed!) talking about a social site where you can denounce «violators of the sanctity of cycle lanes.«. And they say that and manage to keep a straight face.

Even the picture they show is a riot:

Bueno, ¿he hablado ya de los elementos religiosos que tiene el carrilbicismo? Creo que si… Pues bueno, aquí tenemos otro ejemplo: estos idiotas («Velorution», ¡guau!) anuncian una web donde puedes chivarte de «las violaciones contra la santidad de los carriles-bici«. Y se quedan tan anchos.

Incluso la foto que muestran es genial:

[violando la santidad del CB]

So we have here a police van signaling a turn to the left as soon as the traffic light goes green and, in these guys’ demented minds they should stay out of «the sacred bike lane» to allow cyclistas to speed up front through their blind spot? And then these people are surprised by the scandalous number of cyclists dead or injured in exactly this kind of maneuver?

I guess they expect he Holy Lady of the Bike Lane to protect them for being little good bikelaneists.

Así que lo que aquí tenemos es una furgoneta de la policía que está señalizando el giro a la izquierda tan pronto el semáforo se ponga verde, ¿y en las mentes demenciadas de estos pibes la furgo debería quedarse fuera del «sagrado carril-bici» para permitir a los ciclistas rodar hasta el frente por todo el ángulo muerto? ¿Y luego estos imbéciles se sorprenden de la cantidad de ciclistas muertos o heridos en exactamente este tipo de maniobra?

Supongo que es que esperan que les proteja la Virgencita del Carril-bici, por ser unos obedientes pequeños carrilbicistas…


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El escapulario con San Carril-Krusty aquí.

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Cycling the Dutch way.

Posted on 20 julio 2009. Filed under: Amsterdam | Etiquetas: , , |

A friend of our new friend, Mr Amsterdamize, was in Amsterdam a while ago and drew a comic (apparently that is what he does) about his experience: Un amigo de nuestro nuevo amigo, Mr Amsterdamize, estuvo en Amsterdam hace algún tiempo y dibujó un cómic sobre su experiencia (hay gente que hace esas cosas):

[amsterdamizing tourists]

Ha ha ha ha! How funny! my ribs are bursting with laughter! aren’t these guys witty?

So now we know: the celebrated «dutch way of cycling» is fucking pedestrians in their own space, taking advantage of the sheer number of bikes, while the cars move happily undisturbed on the roadway.

And if you are new to Amsterdam and are pissed off by the flock of idiots on bikes swarming around you from all sides, you know what you have to do: get a bike yourself and join the assholes! start having fun abusing your ex-fellow pedestrians! Don’t touch the roadway with your bike if there is a bike lane, though! in the Netherlands that is illegal!

It gives a completely new meaning to the verb «amsterdamize«, uh? As in «Tom went to the Netherlands and got amsterdamized by a cyclist. He spent the first day in hospital».

Yes, that must be what some idiots call «the healthy Dutch cycling culture«. That same «culture» that our bikelanists want to emulate.

So, let’s do something funny: let’s improve the comic! I’ve added a question for that idiot… what do you think would be his answer? It is not only them who are allowed to have fun, is it?

Ja ja ja ja! Ay, que risa! me duelen las costillas de tanto reirme. Hay que ver que ocurrentes son estos chicos, eh?

Así que ahora lo sabemos: el tan celebrado «uso de la bicicleta holandés» consiste en dar por culo a los peatones en su propio espacio, aprovechándose del puro número de bicis, mientras los coches circulan felizmente y sin ser molestados por la calzada.

Y si usted es nuevo en Amsterdam y está encabronado con los rebaños de idiotas en bici que le pasan rozando por todos lados, ya sabe lo que tiene que hacer: ¡consiga una bici y únase a los jilipollas! ¡empiece a divertirse abusando de sus ex-compañeros peatones! Pero tenga cuidado de no tocar la calzada con la bici si hay un carril-bici cerca: ¡en Holanda eso es ilegal!

Le da un significado completamente nuevo al verbo amsterdamizar«, ¿eh? Como en «Pepe fue a Holanda y un ciclista le amsterdamizó. Pasó su primer dia en el hospital».

Pues sí, eso debe ser lo que algunos idiotas consideran «la envidiable cultura ciclista holandesa«. Esa misma «cultura» que nuestro carrilbicistass celtibéricos piensan que deberíamos emular.

Bueno, vamos a hacer nosotros también algo divertido: ¡vamos a mejorar el comic! He añadido una pregunta para ese idiota… ¿Cual crees que podría ser su respuesta? No vamos a dejar que sean ellos los únicos que se diviertan, ¿no?

[amsterdamizing tourists]



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Más comics sobre carrilbicistas aquí y aquí.
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Dribble versus facts.

Posted on 15 julio 2009. Filed under: Amsterdam | Etiquetas: , , |

El menda en el blog Amsterdamize me menciona indirectamente en un post en el que los niveles de pomposo cretinismo pasan de lejos la línea roja. Un chaval británico incluye un comentario conciliador en el que dice algunas cosas interesantes. Reproduzco aquí mi respuesta, por si él quiere continuar la discusión aquí, porque no creo que me apetezca continuarla allí, suponiendo que Mr Amsterdamize no me bloquee de los comentarios, como ha hecho con Demimismo: The guy at the Amsterdamize blog mentions me in passing in a post in which the levels of self-important idiocy go well into the red levels. A british chap posted a conciliatory comment with some interesting points. I reproduce here my answer, just in case he wants to follow up the discussion here, as I am not very likely to go on with it there, even if the Amsterdamize guy doesn’t ban me from his blog, as he did with Demimismo:

«I (…) have come to the conclusion that it will take a few generations yet.»

You mean, well after the oil has finally ran out, you’ll have your share of segregated structures? come on.

«Come on guys, you are on the same side – kiss and make up. Both arguments are correct, you are disagreeing about different things.»

Sorry: no. Not on the same side by a long stretch. I once thought that, but I am older and wiser now.

«to say that CTC are anti cycle path is wrong.»

Ah, ok. so the CTC is wrong, then? 😀 I was hoping so much from them…

«If Britain built cycle paths like the Dutch then we would welcome them with open arms. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen here. I am an engineer,»

You are an engineer?!!! Then you should bloody be well aware that it is plainly impossible to create any significant amount of segregated structures «dutch style» of any quality and real use value without massive expenditures, enormous damage to the cities and dubious results. Putting it in short: it is impossible, period. If you are not aware of that you are not applying properly your engineering training to the issue.

«and there are a few of us who design good quality cycle infrastructure that is as quick and safe to use as the road,»

Do we have to take your word for it or can we have links to pics of them, please, with tags to google maps? I am sure I’d find interesting things in them to comment in my blog:

«it is a travesty to describe British converted pavements as “cycle paths”. Most are worse than having nothing at all.»

Oh, yeah? and what, in your qualified engineer’s opinion, is the reason for that? Are all british engineers, your colleagues, a bunch of incompetent and clueless morons? do they design awful «cycle paths» because they hate cyclists? are they just malevolent in general? What do you think is the reason for this systematic bad design and construction? I mean: there _must_ be a reason, right?

«Where there is a pressing need for a segregated cycling facility it is invariably refused»

And what are precisely, in your view, the criteria that define that «pressing need», I beg you? I presume that you, being an engineer, have a clear definition of where and where not a segregated structure is needed?

«We aren’t anti-segregation, but we need to put a stop to these awful, damaging facilities and to start tackling the root problems (uncontrolled motor traffic growth).»

Oh. Something we can agree on… But tell me: do you think the segregated «facilities» would be needed at all if the root problem (as you name it) were really tackled? Doesn’t it occur to you that the construction of these segregated «facilities» (both the «good» and the bad ones) is in fact a stratagem to make it look like we are progressing without actually progressing at all?

«We Brits would not dream of telling the Dutch how to provide for cycling»

I, for one, would be happy if the Dutch just stopped being patronizing with the rest of us about the «Dutch cycling» and «Dutch structures», telling everybody about «amsterdamizing» our cities and such bullshit. The «Dutch model» is polluting the policies in the rest of Europe as you yourself have shown so eloquently and as we are seeing in the bike lane horrors springing up all over Spain. It is high time we put a cycling sanitary belt arond the Netherlands, tell them to get their segregated cycling structures in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a vestige of a dissapearing civilization, and start looking for somewhere else for ideas to promote cycling in _this_ century.

The «Dutch model» is a dead end. It is time to go back to reality.

P.S. I will post this comment in my own blog. If you want to discuss further, please do it here. I may choose not to answer (or be banned from doing it) here.


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A photo of a well protected cyclist in my old blog here.
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